Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions, who really sticks to it?

I recently read this about resolutions and decided to try an make these my new years resolutions.

It seems that many resolutions are broken quickly.  I know each year I resolve to exercise  more, compete in more races, eat better,  and etc, We always look to others or heros to inspire us, well look no further.
Heres some resolutions we should all try to do:

 Here are some good resolutions for you to make this coming year
I resolve like: Noah to live righteous in a wicked world (Genesis 6:8-9). 
I resolve like..Enoch to walk with God (Genesis 5:22). 
I resolve like...Abraham to live by faith (Hebrews 11:8-10). 
I resolve like...Aaron & Hur to uphold the hands of my spiritual leaders (Exodus 17:12).  
I resolve like...Caleb & Joshua to refuse to let superior members lead me astray (Numbers 4:6-9).
I resolve like...Joshua that our family will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). 
I resolve like...Esther to boldly speak for justice, whatever the consequences (Esther 4:16). 
I resolve like...Job to trust in God when I do not understand His ways (Job 13:15).
I resolve like...Daniel to continue in prayer (Daniel 6:10).
I resolve like...Andrew to try to lead my relatives to the Lord (John 1:40-41).
I resolve like...Stephen to have a forgiving attitude toward those who hurt me (Acts 7:60). 
I resolve like... Mary to obey God in heartache (Luke 1:38).
I resolve like...Onesiphorus to be refreshing to others.
I resolve like...Paul to forget the past and press toward the mark before me (Philippians 3:14).
I resolve like...Jesus to live for others  (John 15:12).
I resolve like...the Disciples to fulfill the great commission to preach the Gospel and teach the Word of God (Mark 16:15).
I John on that I will look forward for the Lord’s return (Revelation 22:20)
 resolve....That with God’s help I will seek to make this coming year my best ever!
I resolve to love Jesus and love others more.

Have a great New Year! I know with God's help I will.

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