OK, so my son Lucas and I are driving from the Ranch to La Quinta (The town not the hotel), it's by Palm Springs, anyway we're hungry so around the Salton sea I turn in towards the sea hoping to find a fish place, no fish place but a lot of mobile homes, near the end of the road we happen upon this:... (oops, I left the camera in the car, right now I am in a friends house, it's a big house and if I try to get the camera, I might not find my room again, tomorrow I will post what we found). (You can click on the photos for a bigger view).
here we go

Mr & Mrs Claus!!! And santas Elves.
Grandmas & Beer
Elvis & his mom

Raffling for plyer set.
I want those plyers!!!

What happens when you drink and drive. Have a fun Christmas. I know I am.
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